Grade 3–Measurement & Data


Lesson Title Content Focus Language Objective Language Type
School Store Data analysis SWBAT Apply open-ended problem strategies (reread the task, underline key words, etc.) to make sense of the task.

SWBAT Give realistic examples to describe “between,” “same number,” “at least,” “exactly,” and “no more than.”

SWBAT explain and give an example of what a constraint is, and explain the process of solving an open-ended task.

 Language skills, Grammar and Language Structures
Approximating Measures measurment, numbers and operations SWBAT describe what a bird’s “wingspan” is, determine how “approximate” and “estimate” are similar, define “equal to” and “measure”, describe what “length” and “twice as long” mean with concrete examples, and compare two objects’ lengths by describing similarities and differences. Key Vocab; Grammar
State Fair Data  Number and Operation/ data analysis  SWBAT provide written and verbal justifications that explain why an answer makes sense, and explain what the statistical mean is. Key vocabulary: Predict, estimate, attendance.  Key Vocab, LanguageFunctions
Stained Glass Polygon  geometry/ polygons  SWBAT provide appropriate definitions for “twice as many” and “Three more than.”

SWBAT give geometric definitions for regular polygon and irregular polygon, list elements of the triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon and octagon. SWBAT discuss the geometric differences between two stained-glass window designs.

 Language Functions, key vocab
Quiz Grades Mean and Meadian/ Data Analysis Students will analyze other students’ explanations (fake) and discuss the quality of the solution and explanation. Key vocabulary: mean, median, mode, range.  Language Function
Working with a Schedule  Measurement and Time (Solving real-world problems) SWBAT read a schedule to determine when events or activities occur, and how long they last. SWBAT convert digital time into analog.

SWBAT read through a real-world problem and determine what the problem is asking and explain his/her approach to reading a schedule.

 Language Skills