Grade 3–Number and Operations-Base 10

Lesson Title Content Focus Language Objective Language Type
Missing Addend Story Problems multiple representations, systems of equations Students will explain what an addend is. Students will transform Simple algebraic –missing addend – equations into story problems.Key vocabulary: addend, total, sum, number sentence, equation, story problem, equation. language functions, grammar and language structures
Intro to Regrouping number & operations SWBAT explain why regrouping is necessary when adding two single digit numbers whose sum is equal to or greater than ten.SWBAT complete the sentence, “When I add ___ and ___,  I know I have to regroup because _____________.” Students will use the term digit accurately (digits are the numbers 0-9) Students will use place value language appropriately when explaining values in two digit numbers.Students will complete the sentence, “_____ (a 2-digit number) represents ____ tens and ____ ones.” key vocab, language functions